CE certification is introduced "CE" mark is a kind of security authentication marks, is seen as manufacturers open the passport and enter the European market.All products with "CE" mark is domestic sales in the European Union members, do not need to conform to the requirements of each member, so as to realize the free circulation of goods within the eu member states. Market in the eu "CE" mark is a compulsory certification mark, whether the products of the enterprises within the eu, or products of other countries, to free circulation in the eu market, must be labeled with "CE", to show that the product is in conformity with the European Union "the new methods of technical coordination and standardization" basic requirements of the directive.This is a mandatory requirement put forward by the European law on product. CE the word, from the French "Communate Europpene" abbreviation, is the meaning of the European Community.The European Community later evolved into the European Union (eu).In recent years, in the European economic area (the European Union, the European free trade association member, except Switzerland) in the sale of products on the market, the use of the CE mark is increasing, the CE mark labeled with commodity said it is in line with safety, health, insurance and consumer protection and a series of European directive to express requirements. The meaning of the CE mark is: use the CE acronym for symbol labeled with CE products meet the Requirements of relevant European directives mainly asked (Essential Requirements), and to confirm that the product has passed the corresponding conformity assessment procedures and/or manufacturer's qualification statement, a real product sales pass is allowed to enter the European Community market.Directive requirements labeled with CE industrial products, didn't have CE mark, shall not be sold, have been labeled with CE marking to market products, found not in conformity with the requirements of the safety should be ordered to withdraw from the market, for viola |